Occupy Wall Street Movements:

"Light, Links, Laughs . . . "

Peace & Justice Resource Center - PJRC

Occupy Wall Street and related movements: 
Sources and links

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1.  Especially useful commentaries and overviews on the underlying issues to share

Paul Krugman, “Panic of the Plutocrats,” NY Times, Oct. 10, 2011 www.nytimes.com/2011/10/10/opinion/panic-of-the-plutocrats.html

Barbara Ehrenreich, “The Guys in the 1% Brought This On,” The Progressive, current issuewww.progressive.org/one_percent_barbara_ehrenreich.html

Robert Reich, “The Seven Biggest Economic Lies,” 12 October 11, Robert Reich's blog, www.ask.com/news?qsrc=&o=100000031&l=dis&q=Robert+reich+blog&qsrc=2431

Elizabeth Warren, “Occupy Everywhere,” Oct 7, http://www.businessinsider.com/elizabeth-warren-wall-street-broke-this-country-one-lousy-mortgage-at-a-time-2011-10  …and...www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/678020/Elizabeth_warren

David Korten, “Why I'm in solidarity with Occupy Wall St,” 10-4-11,  www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhzwgIxqOc0  or www.yesmagazine.org/blogs/david-korten/in-solidarity-with-occupywallstreet 

Jim Wallis, “Praying for Peace and Looking for Jesus at OccupyWallStreet,” 10-6-11, 

Rabbi Michael Lerner, “Occupy Wall St–It’s Everywhere where Corporate Power Shapes our Lives, So You Can Occupy it in Your Hometown too!” Oct 6, www.Tikkun.org and alternet.org

Frida Berrigan,  http://blog.faithinpubliclife.org/2011/10/faith_leaders_join_occupywalls.html

2. For more on the Occupy movements and their activities and goals in their own words see:

http://occupywallst.org/  very good general site

http://nycga.cc/  (the official site of the OWS general assembly, Liberty Square); for their declaration statement see: http://nycga.cc/2011/09/30/declaration-of-the-occupation-of-new-york-city/   
see also: www.occupytogether.org/  and www.commondreams.org/occupy

3. Many cities have their own sites or Facebook pages, for example:

www.occupydc.org/https://www.facebook.com/#!/OccupyBoston, https://www.facebook.com/OccupyPhiladelphia/www.occupychi.org/ 

https://www.facebook.com/OccupyFM (FargoMoorehead)

https://www.facebook.com/pages/OccupyQuadCities/270410002991293 (Iowa)

https://www.facebook.com/OccupySeattle     https://www.facebook.com/#!/occupyLA,  


4. Other sites that have offer especially useful reporting and commentary


www.truth-out.org      http://www.alternet.org    http://westandwiththe99percent.tumblr.com/

http://readersupportednews.org/    www.yesmagazine.org     www.myoccupywallstreet.com


live streaming video: http://occupywallstreet-worldwide.blogspot.com/

www.thenation.com/        www.progressive.org     www.mettacenter.org on nonviolence    

www.forusa.org Fellowship of Reconcilation https://www.facebook.com/NonviolentConflict

www.wagingnonviolence.org   www.offthechartsblog.org -- Center on Budget & Policy Priorities blog

www.nybooks.com -- NY Review of Books, e.g. Michael Greenberg    (tell us about others you discover)

5. Faith based sites that have had especially useful commentaries include:

http://www.shalomcenter.org                   www.tikkun.org

http://blog.faithinpubliclife.org/                 https://www.facebook.com/TheChristianLeft



6. Advocacy groups that had useful postings,despite the fears among some of their taking over/ having too much influence…:

www.avaaz.org   www.moveon.org  www.dccc.org/pages/occupy

7. Graphics and humor that have received the most comment on our blog





www.theroot.co.in             www.mercadoetico.com.br




and of course, www.theonion.com Jon Stewart’s www.thedailyshow.com/ etc.


compiled by Glen Gersmehl, coordinator of the “Light, Links, Laughs…” blog
To comment or offer suggestions: ggersmehl@hotmail.com or 206.349.2501


Peace & Justice Resource Center - PJRC
1710 11th Ave., Seattle, WA 98122, 349-2501 (area code 206)  
pjrcbooks@hotmail.com    www.pjrcbooks.org

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